
Showing posts from July, 2018

28A Your Exit Strategy

1. Choosing an exit strategy is a difficult task. We have spent so much time this semester building up our business idea and choosing our next steps that it has become hard to consider the idea of leaving it all behind. I would like to maintain active leadership in my organization for a minimum of five years and a maximum of ten years. I would like to maintain this position as the company grows its team, reach, and ambition. Once I feel that my service is sustainable and has made a name for itself within the blockchain community, I would be happy to step aside and hire a new CEO. However, I plan to still maintain a board position to keep my input in play for the future moves of the company. I have no intention of retiring at such a young age, so once I step down from this venture, it will be to begin working on an entirely new operation. 2. I have selected this exit strategy because although the business could be successfully run by another individual, I hold a sentimental connectio

27A Reading Reflection No.3

Guy Kawasaki, The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users 1) What was the general theme or argument of the book? This book acknowledges the enormous presence that social media has managed to maintain throughout current society. It focuses on diverse ways to improve your own social media presence through more captivating posts step-by-step with over a hundred useful tips. 2) How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT 3003? As someone who works in the digital marketing industry, it was clear to me how the tips in this book directly relate to the work I have completed for ENT3003. In order for my blockchain service to gain a strong brand name with college students, I will need to aggressively promote on social media. Using these tips, I am confident that I can convey information about my service while still providing engaging content across several different social media platforms. 3) If you had to design an exercise for this clas

26A Celebrating Failure

1. One of my most frustrating instances of failure occurred very recently at the start of this class. From assignments four through seven, I made very silly mistakes that cost my grade several points. Despite completing all four of these assignments with strong effort and thoughtful peer reviews, I lost nearly all of the credit. For assignment four, I simply forgot to submit the URL to my blogpost in the A section. For assignments five, six, and seven, I simply forgot to declare that I completed them in the B section. This was such a defeating moment because I had put the time in to make sure that I completed these posts well before the deadline. I even considered dropping the course out of pure frustration. 2. This situation made me learn the importance of double checking everything that I do. Every time that I submit an assignment for A, B, or C, I always click through the assignment again to make sure that canvas received my submission. 3. Failure is something that weighs heavi

25A What's Next?

Existing Market: 1. Currently, my service is web-based and the library of information and tutorials is purely available through browser. I think that I clear next step would be to expand my service to be available through an app for download on Android or iOS. 2. Reaching out to more potential customers within my market, I gained some great insight into potential expansion routes for my service. The first person I spoke to suggested that part of my subscription service should be a weekly podcast going over the biggest regulatory events and technological developments. The second student that I interviewed said that a good next step would be to provide spotlight articles in which I interview certain experts within the industry about their respective fields. Lastly, I received the suggestion of creating an information sector on my site that focuses on traditional stock market investment purely for comparison with performance within the cryptocurrency market. After this wonderful feedb

24A Venture Concept

1.Opportunity • The customer segment that I plan to target is comprised of University of Florida students interested in either economics or computer science that are open-minded and value efficiency & decentralization over traditional systems and bureaucracies. • The specific need that I aim to fulfill is a one-stop & concise onramp into understanding of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency markets. There are a few reasons for why this need exists. o With blockchain technology only being created as recently as 2009 and not gaining popularity until 2017, the space is very new and underdeveloped. The only people with a strong understanding of the space are programmers who have spent a long time learning the fundamentals of the technology itself. Since gaining a notable presence, markets have developed for trading different cryptocurrencies with the intention that they will increase in value overtime. With explosive returns in early 2017, many people outside of the tech

23A Your Venture's Unfair Advantage

Resources 1. Over a year’s experience with trading crypto-currencies 2. Possessing startup capital 3. Certified with several digital marketing analytics tools 4. Passion for blockchain technology 5. 2 years of professional workplace experience 6. Public speaking skills 7. Understanding of social media tech 8. Strong time-management discipline 9. Optimistic attitude 10. Effective networking skills VRIN 1. This resource is definitely valuable as it gives me exclusive insight to the volatility of this market. I would consider this to be fairly rare, due to the fact that I entered the market a little over six months before the explosive growth in November 2017 when the most new investors entered. As mentioned before, the only way for this resource to be copied would be for another entrepreneur to have entered the market at the same time or earlier. The only substitute for this experience would be an information source providing tutorials and historical

22A Elevator Pitch No.3

Based on the comments I received, my pitch was definitely more effective after I condensed the cryptocurrency information, so I decided to shorten it just a little more. I also changed the call to action to make more sense with a conversational situation since the mention of the website didn't make much sense. Lastly, I made an effort to be less monotone and more genuine with my speech. Hopefully this helped!

21A Reading Reflection No.2

1.  In this book, Daniel Kahneman takes a logical approach to analyzing the methods through which our brains react to different situations. Breaking down components like happiness value, emotional intelligence, and overall outlook into systems of thought allows us to take an objective look at the innerworkings of our minds. This perspective allows us to gain a better understanding and better control of our own thought processes. 2.  This book is incredibly relevant to what we have learned in ENT 3003. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, it is important to understand how your customers think and will react to your business model and marketing efforts. It is also very insightful for comprehending the many steps of the buying process. 3. To create an exercise for this class, I would ask students to focus on the concept of how our decisions can affect happiness. Each student needs to choose two situations in their life where their impulses led to decisions that did not align wi

20A Growing Your Social Capital

A. Domain Expert B. Market Expert C. Supplier 1.A. James Murphree: Investopedia Newsletter Writer 2.A. Domain Expert; Robert provides traditional stock investment advice through a newsletter in a subscription model similar to my potential business. 3.A. I searched through the Investopedia website to find the contact information of the primary writer for the Investopedia Newsletter and reached out to Robert through email. 4.A. I told Robert that I was aiming to create a cryptocurrency-based service similar to Investopedia’s news subscription model. In exchange for answering several of my questions about customer retention, I agreed to recommend Robert’s service to any of my future customers that reach out to me for traditional investment knowledge. 5.A. Including this person in my network will give me tremendous insight into the buying behavior and turnover rate for my target segment of customers. 1.B. Perianne Boring: President of the Digital Chamber of Commerce 2.B. Mar