21A Reading Reflection No.2

1. In this book, Daniel Kahneman takes a logical approach to analyzing the methods through which our brains react to different situations. Breaking down components like happiness value, emotional intelligence, and overall outlook into systems of thought allows us to take an objective look at the innerworkings of our minds. This perspective allows us to gain a better understanding and better control of our own thought processes.
2. This book is incredibly relevant to what we have learned in ENT 3003. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, it is important to understand how your customers think and will react to your business model and marketing efforts. It is also very insightful for comprehending the many steps of the buying process.
3. To create an exercise for this class, I would ask students to focus on the concept of how our decisions can affect happiness. Each student needs to choose two situations in their life where their impulses led to decisions that did not align with their overall interests. Then, each student needs to choose two situations where they went against their own impulses in a decision and ended up with an outcome much more in line with their happiness goals. Mapping out these situations should show common denominators and specific outliers that reveal a system for how our decisions can determine our well-being.
4. I was most surprised by the section on risk/loss aversion. Although I wouldn’t consider myself a risk-prone decision maker, I am still interested in the prospect of a gamble. I did not expect to read that in humans, the motivation to avoid a loss is greater than the motivation to achieve a gain. This is an interesting dynamic in our decision making process.


  1. Hi Mitchel,
    Before reading your post, I had never heard or read anything about Daniel Kahneman. This book seems really interesting. It’s so important to understand how your customers think, feel, and believe. It seems like this book can really help one control their thought process. I think that the exercise that you created for this class is perfect. It will really show people how our well-being is dependent on our decision making. That’s one assignment I would be very interested in completing. Great post!!

  2. Mitchell,
    A person's thought process is very interesting because there are so many ways a person can interpret one situation. Knowing the breakdown of how we think would likely help people in tough situations. I think your exercise is parallel to using what the book is about and having students learn from the book.


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