26A Celebrating Failure

1. One of my most frustrating instances of failure occurred very recently at the start of this class. From assignments four through seven, I made very silly mistakes that cost my grade several points. Despite completing all four of these assignments with strong effort and thoughtful peer reviews, I lost nearly all of the credit. For assignment four, I simply forgot to submit the URL to my blogpost in the A section. For assignments five, six, and seven, I simply forgot to declare that I completed them in the B section. This was such a defeating moment because I had put the time in to make sure that I completed these posts well before the deadline. I even considered dropping the course out of pure frustration.
2. This situation made me learn the importance of double checking everything that I do. Every time that I submit an assignment for A, B, or C, I always click through the assignment again to make sure that canvas received my submission.
3. Failure is something that weighs heavily on the mind. The only way to mitigate the damage is to realize the mistake you’ve made and find some way to learn form it. If you can turn any mistake into a lesson, then you will feel less angry anytime that you fail.


  1. Hi Mitchell,
    It seems like you had a rough start to this class, but look at you now! I couldn’t even image how frustrating and defeating you may have felt after putting in so much work and not getting any credit. However, it seems like you have learned from your mistakes and won’t let them happen again. Failure also weighs heavily on my mind, but I know that I am better and have learned so much from experiencing failure. Great post!


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