28A Your Exit Strategy

1. Choosing an exit strategy is a difficult task. We have spent so much time this semester building up our business idea and choosing our next steps that it has become hard to consider the idea of leaving it all behind. I would like to maintain active leadership in my organization for a minimum of five years and a maximum of ten years. I would like to maintain this position as the company grows its team, reach, and ambition. Once I feel that my service is sustainable and has made a name for itself within the blockchain community, I would be happy to step aside and hire a new CEO. However, I plan to still maintain a board position to keep my input in play for the future moves of the company. I have no intention of retiring at such a young age, so once I step down from this venture, it will be to begin working on an entirely new operation.
2. I have selected this exit strategy because although the business could be successfully run by another individual, I hold a sentimental connection to this venture. Even once passing off leadership I want to make sure that my voice is still a deciding factor for the future of this company.
3. My exit strategy has not influenced my plans for growth or success for my company, rather, my plans for growth have influenced my exit strategy. Based on the effort and passion that is going into this business venture, I do not desire to just sell it off to the highest bidder.


  1. I also decided to let my business go after a specified time because I wanted to go on to new ventures and help people in other areas. It would be hard to juggle more than one venture fully at a time. I believe that it would not be hard to train someone for the position you would be leaving, as with my company. Great exit strategy.


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