30A Final Reflection

1. Throughout this semester, I have been genuinely surprised by how far I have come in developing a simple idea into a possible business venture that I am passionate about. The high of this course for me would be during assignment 24 Venture Concept. At this point, I outlined everything about my business and was finally able to see it as a complete piece of work. This made me feel proud and accomplished. My low for this course was definitely in the beginning when I lost credit for a few assignments due to a simple error. I was incredibly frustrated, but it taught me to be extremely careful and to double check all of my submissions.
2. Although my proudest accomplishment was completing the venture concept, I found all of the interview assignments to be some of the most formative. They forced me to go outside of my comfort zone and to be confident enough to approach random people to ask questions.
3. I absolutely feel that this course has helped me develop an entrepreneurial mindset. I have always thought about potential business ideas, but never before have I gone so far in fleshing out the actual steps and possible components. Even if I do not choose to move forward with developing this particular venture, I now know the steps necessary to planning out a different concept.
4. In order to succeed in this course, the most important skill to develop is time management. With consistent assignments, it is essential to create a calendar to help you stay on top of all of your deadlines so that you do not end up with unnecessary zeroes. Also, enter this course with an open mind and be confident in everything that you do, from your first interview to your last elevator pitch.


  1. Mitchell,
    I, too, was very careful about checking the submissions because of the risk of losing points from a simple mistake. I became aware of all the interview assignments a week in advance so I would have time to do them and they became the most formative part of the class.
    Time management is a huge part of this class, as the workload each week can be very overwhelming with all else that is going on.
    Confidence IS key.


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