
Showing posts from August, 2018

Free Money

My plan is to go to a public vending machine at a school and wait for students who are stopping by to get their daily water, snack or coffee. I will start the conversation by asking the person what they are here to buy. My plan is to explain that I get how important it can be to have your midday snack while in between classes, and that I want to help them out by paying for them in an act of generosity. After giving out all five-dollar bills, I was somewhat surprised by my results. Four of the five people that I approached responded as I expected; confused by my generosity, but overall still happy to receive their snack for free. One person, however, was skeptical of my intentions and rudely told me that they wanted nothing to do with whatever I was selling. The issue may have been that I was coming on too enthusiastically, or it may have been that he was not a student. Either way, this was an interesting exercise that made me think about the value of a dollar.

30A Final Reflection

1. Throughout this semester, I have been genuinely surprised by how far I have come in developing a simple idea into a possible business venture that I am passionate about. The high of this course for me would be during assignment 24 Venture Concept. At this point, I outlined everything about my business and was finally able to see it as a complete piece of work. This made me feel proud and accomplished. My low for this course was definitely in the beginning when I lost credit for a few assignments due to a simple error. I was incredibly frustrated, but it taught me to be extremely careful and to double check all of my submissions. 2. Although my proudest accomplishment was completing the venture concept, I found all of the interview assignments to be some of the most formative. They forced me to go outside of my comfort zone and to be confident enough to approach random people to ask questions. 3. I absolutely feel that this course has helped me develop an entrepreneurial minds

29A Venture Concept No.2

1.Opportunity • The customer segment that I plan to target is comprised of University of Florida students interested in either economics or computer science that are open-minded and value efficiency & decentralization over traditional systems and bureaucracies. • The specific need that I aim to fulfill is a one-stop & concise onramp into understanding of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency markets. There are a few reasons for why this need exists. o With blockchain technology only being created as recently as 2009 and not gaining popularity until 2017, the space is very new and underdeveloped. The only people with a strong understanding of the space are programmers who have spent a long time learning the fundamentals of the technology itself. Since gaining a notable presence, markets have developed for trading different cryptocurrencies with the intention that they will increase in value overtime. With explosive returns in early 2017, many people outside of the tech