Halfway Reflection

1. Some of the most important skills that I've sharpened so far are time-management and creative-thinking. It is important to stay on top of your course work and to never wait until the last minute to complete something. Many of these assignments will force you to look at a business as an extension of yourself, so to make myself stand out I have chosen a very unique venture that challenges my mind.
2. Tenacity is your saving grace for this class. With so many assignments to complete each week, and multiple parts to each assignment, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to keep up while maintaining outside responsibilities. After the first few assignments, I hit a point where I truly felt like giving up. Despite completing 3 of the assignments, I received a zero for each of them because of a Canvas error that did not record me declaring completion. Due to some wise words from the instructor, I realized that despite losing the points, I still benefited from the knowledge of that section. This has created a tenacious attitude for me to keep up with assignments to ensure that I can still get the A.
3. Three tips for the best experience in this class:

  • Choose a business idea that actually relates to your career goals. You will start to make connections through research that are truly beneficial.
  • Set text alerts/reminders for yourself for each of your assignments before they are due. It will be well worth the tiny inconvenience to ensure you don't run into the same issue as me!
  • Keep reminding yourself that this class is designed to make you think outside the box. Try to maintain an open-mind so that once you hit a mental barrier, you can break past it.


  1. It is very important to be creative for this class. For the idea and also the questions for interview. Picking something you are interested in is important. At times those can be daunting. I was very overwhelmed in the beginning of this class, but I now have a routine every week when completing the assignments.
    Your tips are great! Well thought out... I use the reminders on my phone to keep me on track!


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