18A Create a Custom Avatar

Customer segment: University of Florida Students
Prototypical customer: 20 year old student studying economics but with serious interest in computer science.

The customer that I am choosing to imagine is focused on both the technical and conceptual aspects of society. He is fascinated by innovation and baffled by inefficiency. When looking at government, he questions the need for centralized authority and is interested in the idea of dividing up power into a free, decentralized system. He chose to study economics because he loves to see the big picture when it comes to analyzing complex situations for a suitable solution. However, he has always had an admiration for computer science. Yes, he plays videogames, but more importantly he is interested in finetuning the specifications to make the program run as smoothly as possible and one of his favorite challenges as a teenager was learning how to build his own gaming pc. In his spare time, he has taken it upon himself to complete several free online coding courses through Code-cademy.
I have a lot in common with this avatar and that is no coincidence. I built the foundation of the prototypical customer based off characteristics of myself because the reason that I had the idea for this business was that I needed a service like this when I began learning about blockchain technology. I have expanded the customer into some different hobbies and philosophies, but the tagline at the top of the page is essentially a description of myself.


  1. Hi Mitchell,
    I can tell you really put a lot of thought into all the qualities of your avatar. Just like you, I created my business idea based on my own needs and the needs of the people I care about most. I also found myself creating an avatar with very similar characteristics to myself, and it’s definitely not a coincidence. I think that having so much in common with our potential customers will really help us build relationships and give people what they want. If we also have a need for the product, we will make sure it is the best of the best. Great post!


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