17A Elevator Pitch No.2

Feedback: I was very happy to see in the comments that my speech was being well-received and that I appeared as a confident professional. There were really only a few small changes that clearly needed to be made. In the first speech, I spent a lot of time explaining cryptocurrency and not enough time explaining my business. In revision, I have condensed the introductory information and expanded a little bit on my personal business model. I think that this will be a more effective elevator pitch for potential customers.


  1. Mitchell,
    It was a good idea to add more about what you are providing people. I did realize after watching this pitch that you did talk a lot more about cryptocurrency in it. Likely people watching this pitch would know a little about it and are actually trying to invest or use your company to learn more. You spoke in a way that would be understood by the average person. I would say maybe a little less monotone next time. I also was very monotone in mine but i feel it is hard for my personality to come out a little when I am just talking to a camera.


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