16A - What's Your Secret Sauce?

In my opinion, human capital is an invaluable asset. A person can be trained to do anything if they are open-minded and willing to learn, so it is important to maintain a well-rounded set of skills. I think that my greatest strongsuits come from my personality and work ethic. In terms of personality, I always feel that I can adapt to new situations quickly and I like to utilize creative thinking to imagine what solutions others might be ignoring. In terms of work ethic, I can be very stubborn when facing a challenge and will refuse to give up as long as it is within my power to complete. I also feel that maintaining strong time management skills are important for keeping me on track with my responsibilities.

Due to an issue with the video embedding system, I am providing the URL for the video #4 below:

One of my oldest friends was keen to point out that I highly value punctuality. I feel unhappy with myself if I make anyone else wait, so I always make sure to arrive to events early. I guess it goes so far as to make planning difficult with friends!
I was happy to hear that my friends see me as a logical thinker. With all the moving-parts of business operations, it’s good to analyze strategies based on facts and practical solutions.
From this interview, I gathered that I am seen as determined no matter the task. I always try to persevere to reach the finish line of whatever issue I am facing.
Another of my friends highlighted how well I keep track of my various responsibilities. She felt that this type of skill seems to give me a leg up on competition.
A very kind friend claimed that I am a stress-free individual who can manage my emotions. It’s comforting to hear that I don’t seem too worried to other people and makes me more confident about handling myself.
Differences between initial thoughts and interviews: My biggest surprise was when I was complimented on my organization. I have always considered myself to be pretty disorganized, but I guess developing strong time management skills have made me come off as much more put together. Just as I said in the opening paragraph, my close friends have found my determination and tenacity to be one of my more defining advantages.


  1. Hi Mitchell,
    I really enjoyed reading your post and watching your videos. Great job gathering your interviews and putting a lot of effort into your post. Being able to adapt to new situations quickly is a very important skill to have, and one that I am lacking in. I’m a planner and hate when things don’t go the way they are supposed to. Your stubborn attitude and refusal to give up will take you so far in life and will help you reach all of your goals. It’s so cool to hear your fiends talk about you and how hard you work, how composed you are, and how determine you are. I think that your friends and family see you the same way you see yourself. Great post!

  2. WOW! So much effort here. I really enjoyed watching and listening to what your friends had to say about you, a great addition!! Time management really does make a person look put together even if they aren't so much. Meeting deadlines will be a very important skill to have for the future.
    I have not conquered seeming stress-free and managing my emotions like it seems you have. I believe that's a very important skill to have for work (and poker).


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