My Entrepreneurship Story

Since I was a child, I have always been fascinated with the idea of owning my own business. With all the jokes out there about horrible bosses, I considered it a no-brainer that I should aim to be my own boss. My first exposure to entrepreneurship was through my father’s work. After holding several jobs within the hospitality industry, ranging from bellboy to hotel manager to public accountant, he developed a strong enough understanding of the industry to create his own company. He started a software company that offered a unique suite of products to make hotel operations more computerized. Since he was in charge, my father set up an office for himself within the basement of the Atlanta house that I grew up in. I would waste the day away with my eyes glued to my Gameboy as I sat in the corner of my dad’s office while he worked diligently to improve his business. I enrolled in this class to fulfill a requirement for my business major. However, I have many goals set for what I aim to get out of this class. I hope to learn how to maintain a constructive attitude that encourages me to learn from my mistakes. I also aim to achieve a more open mind so that I am better at thinking outside the box when it comes to business situations.


  1. Hi Mitchell, I really enjoyed reading your post. My first exposure to entrepreneurship was also through my father. My dad also created his own company, but his is in the furniture business. It’s so cool to hear your story and how you used to sit with you dad in his office and watch him work, because I did the exact same thing. Great job on your post. Don’t forget to read all of the directions and include a picture when stated. I want to make sure you are getting all of the points.

  2. Hi, Mitchell! Isn't it crazy how much our parents influence our lives? My mom and I have been baking together since I was a little kid, and now my dream is to be a pastry chef. Do you plan on owning your own business one day? Also, as Natalie said, don't forget to thoroughly read the directions. I almost forgot to add a picture, too. Overall, great work!


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