Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

1. Due to poor governmental management of Italy (Europe's third-largest economy), much of the world has become uncertain of Italy's stability. This has caused a significant drop in the valuation of the Euro. A drop in an important currency's price increases the investment potential for growth in cryptocurrency.
a. I encountered this economic news while browsing different finance-based news sites.
b. Rather than keep money in a depreciating asset, euro holders will look for new places to put their money. With the recent news success of many cryptocurrencies, it is likely that many investors will choose this as their new asset which may cause a price increase.
c. Euro Investors
d. It is easy to exploit this opportunity by placing funds in cryptocurrencies that are appealing to people afraid of government centralization.
Why: I saw this as an opportunity to increase investment in cryptocurrency because of my extensive research into the subject and genuine interest in financial institutions.

2. Over the past five years, leaps and bounds have been made in the development of Artificial Intelligence technology. This has created an extraordinary demand for well-trained coders.
a. I discovered this trend after watching a documentary on AI development and its exponential growth.
b. There are countless free coding courses that individuals of any background can take to learn programming skills that will greatly increase their likelihood of landing a job.
c. Young workers who are seeking to expand into the tech industry.
d. It is not hard to take advantage of the educational materials provided by sites such as Codecademy.
Why: I noticed this as an opportunity to improve my programming skills after seeing incredible improvement from taking introductory online coding courses.

3. In March, the U.S. Senate passed The Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act. This act increases the asset threshold that a bank must possess before it may be scrutinized by the IRS.
a. I learned about this passed bill while browsing through financial subreddits.
b. One could take advantage of this change by creating a community bank and benefit by operating beneath the threshold of $250 million in assets.
c. Entrepreneurs with significant capital and ambition to own a small bank.
d. This is a difficult opportunity to seize because of the large amount of start-up capital required to enter the industry.
Why: After watching documentaries on the 2009 financial crisis and banking practices, I noticed the strange regulations that are placed on certain banks. While many would dismiss this due to the capital requirement, I see this as an opportunity because I can look at potential business from small to large scopes.

4. Florida has repealed the ban on smokeable marijuana for medical patients. This will create new jobs for individuals to set up farms that will grow the plant for medical use.
a. I discovered this regulatory change while watching my local news station.
b. In order to supply patients with their new choice of treatment, there will need to be a large increase in marijuana growing farms.
c. Medical Marijuana Patients
d. This opportunity is relatively difficult to exploit due to the stigma around medical marijuana and the incomplete regulations surrounding the subject.
Why: I noticed this as an opportunity because I look past the ethical controversy surrounding the subject. While many would quickly dismiss this due to the industry reputation, I simply see a regulatory change creating new jobs.


  1. Hi Mitchell,
    Great job on identifying opportunity number 2. It is so cool that you can personally relate to this one because you took those introductory online coding courses and are trying to improve your programming skills. I didn’t know there were so many free coding courses that people could take. In the job market, anything that people can do to get ahead is great and will help them in the long run. In this situation, taking these courses will really put you a head of the line when it comes to landing the job. If there is such a high demand for well-trained coders, people should take every opportunity they have to learn and grow, like you have. Great post!!


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