20 Life Bugs and the Reasons they Exist

Bug List
1. When I went to order a new pair of shoes this morning, my desired style & size were not available.
A: Due to the popularity of the new style I wanted, all of the supplied pairs were bought before me.
2. I find it frustrating that there are times where I am unable to log into my Coinbase account to access my funds.
A: During times of extreme price fluctuation, the Coinbase servers go down due to increased traffic.
3. To make it to my flight on time, I must arrive at the airport significantly earlier than my departure.
A: I must arrive early to account for time spent at security in a line with other travelers.
4. When I go to see a movie at the theatre, I am not allowed to bring in outside snacks or candy.
A: Theatres place this restriction to encourage entrants to buy snacks at the concession stand.
5. The Paynes Prairie La Chua Trail is closed off after a short distance from the entrance.
A: Due to Hurricane Irma, a majority of the trail has been flooded causing the gators to cover the pathway.
6. A lens has popped out of my pair of sunglasses rendering them useless.
A: The lens broke easily because the glasses were made from cheap materials
7. During the afternoon in Boca Raton, there is no available parking nearby the beach making what should be a short walk turn into a longer ordeal.
A: This situation exists because the afternoon is the sunniest part of the day and the best time to visit.
8. When I order a specific drink at Starbucks, I often receive a completely different beverage.
A: This is likely due to a lack of training for the workers.
9. My expensive Apple headphones have broken after only two months of use.
A: The headphones break so quickly because my cords are always getting tangled.
10. My Amazon account is under risk of being banned for issuing too many returns, even though this is not stated in their policy.
A: This implicit ruling against returns is to discourage people from abusing the return policy.
11. I am unable to purchase an I-phone 8 Plus because it will not easily fit into my favorite pair of jeans.
A: The enormous size of the phone is due to the fact that I prefer to use a bulky phone-case.
12. When I am needing delicious chicken most on a Sunday afternoon, my local Chick Fil A is not open for business.
A: This happens at every Chick Fil A across the country because the owner does not want his business to operate on Sundays.
13. When I get in line to order food at an on-campus restaurant, I grow frustrated as I see several students receive their food despite not waiting as long as I have.
A: This happens because students order to-go yet still eat within the restaurant.
14. Disappointingly, my onesie Halloween costume does not fit me as well as advertised on the website.
A: The “One size fits all” slogan is simply a suggestion and not actually representative of the proper size.
15. Gas prices in boca raton have rose significantly faster than in surrounding areas.
A: Boca gas prices rise quickly because business owners are aware of the area’s high average income.
16. Sometimes when I try to load into a game of Fortnite, I am faced with a 30 minute queue.
A: This lengthy queue time is due to the overload of players with an exponential popularity growth.
17. While riding in an uber form my apartment to midtown, my driver drove out of the way to rack up my fare.
A: This unethical behavior occurs because Uber takes such a substantial portion from the driver’s fare.
18. My new textbooks for my three summer courses are more than double what I paid two years ago.
A: The constantly increasing textbook prices are because of the monopoly held by Pearson Academy.
19. I have witnessed six accidents this week and was nearly struck by three vehicles myself while driving in boca.
A: These close-calls are due to the face that drivers in Boca simply do not care about the rules of traffic.
20. Despite already paying a subscription fee to Amazon Prime, I still have to pay for most titles on Amazon Video.
A: These microtransactions are hidden to make customers pay more money after already subscribing to the service.

Reflection: I found it surprisingly difficult to come up with this list of 20 bugs. Most of my annoyances in life may be due to my own personal tastes and lack of patience. It was interesting to see how I analyzed the different products and services that I have purchased over the past few years and to see how what factors are causing my displeasure. This exercise demonstrates how its important to analyze the driving factors behind consumer perception in order to maintain a positive brand image.


  1. Mitchell, great post. I also experience some of the same "bugs" in my daily routine. Especially the one dealing with the amount of parking at the beach. I live in South Florida, which experiences many vacationers during the summer months and snowbirds during the winter months. Many of my bugs also came from my own doing, so I had to analyze more when I thought of one.

  2. Hi, Mitchell! I found your list very entertaining! I agree with so many of them. I would actually classify the whole airport experience as a bug because you have to arrive 2 hours early and wait on lines just to get back in line later. I like how your bugs were very specific to you and weren't as universal, which was a different mindset compared to the one I used for the list. It made the piece more interesting and funny!


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